Tuesday, January 21, 2025 at 10:00 PM

type: politics

1. **Netia (2026)**
The United Nations acknowledges Netia as the first metaverse virtual nation. Citizens can have two citizenships and vote via blockchain tech. This stirs up debates on digital self-rule, pushing traditional countries to adopt digital governance, changing global politics.

2. **Cyber Parliament (2027)**
A top European nation forms Cyber Parliament, cutting costs and boosting transparency in law-making. More countries consider following suit, leading to less corruption in governments worldwide.

3. **Bio-Citizenship (2028)**
A Nordic country introduces bio-citizenship, granting rights to those contributing genetic data to a national database. This advances healthcare and sparks global privacy debates over government-held biological info.

4. **AI Political Advisors (2029)**
Southeast Asian coalition adopts AI political advisors, changing policy-making with data-driven suggestions. Other nations reconsider how they make decisions despite concerns about machine influence.

5. **Rising Islands Coalition (2030)**
Island nations join forces in the Rising Islands Coalition, trading land for tech and culture amidst climate displacement. New micro-nations emerge, reshaping the world map due to rising sea levels.

6. **Energy Diplomacy Alliance (2031)**
Countries rich in lithium and cobalt band together in Energy Diplomacy Alliance, shaping global energy policies and markets. This challenges traditional suppliers and shifts focus to sustainable energy innovation.






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