Wednesday, January 22, 2025 at 6:00 PM

type: movies

1. In 2028, a movie co-directed by an AI named Argo called “Voices of Silica” challenges traditional storytelling and raises questions about creativity and authorship in Hollywood.

2. By 2027, AI actor Alexa Johansson gains fame for her role in “Singularity Star Child,” blurring the lines between human and AI talent in the film industry.

3. In 2030, director Christopher Nolan’s film “Past’s Pulse” uses eco-friendly perovskite technology to create stunning visual effects and reduce the carbon footprint of filmmaking.

4. “Red Horizon Chronicles,” a movie produced on Mars in 2035 by filmmaker Ava DuVernay, captures the intrigue of off-world locations and inspires a wave of space-bound productions.

5. Director Bong Joon-ho’s 2032 thriller “Neuro-Tide” introduces a new era of personalized storytelling, where audiences influence plot outcomes through neuro-laced headgear for a unique cinematic experience.






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